Ministry Products: Children | NSMR
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Explore our Children's Ministry Resources collection carefully crafted to guide churches in instilling a deep understanding of God's character in young children. From engaging curriculum to practical activities, our materials point children to grow in their relationship with God and live out His teachings with joy and purpose.


Bible Timeline for Children (English)

This Bible timeline is designed specifically for children, with concise explanations of important events in the Old and New Testaments.

Printed in 5ft x 3ft or 13ft x 1ft tarpaulin.

₱270 | ePrint: not available

Let's Pray!

“Let’s Pray” is an attractively illustrated book of lessons teaching children how to pray biblically. Each lesson includes a suggested activity for applying the lesson suitable for a family or classroom setting.

₱290 | ePrint: ₱250

Seeds: Bible Curriculum for Children (Book 2)

Book Two builds upon the foundational teachings of Seeds: Bible Curriculum for Children Book One. The book maintains adaptability for diverse languages and Bible versions.

₱300.00 | ePrint: ₱260

Bible Timeline for Children (Tagalog)

This Bible timeline is designed specifically for children, with concise explanations of important events in the Old and New Testaments.

Printed in 5ft x 3ft or 13ft x 1ft tarpaulin.

₱270 | ePrint: not available

Seeds: Bible Curriculum for Children

This curriculum is an educational tool designed to help churches teach God's Word to children, particularly in regions with limited access to children's ministry materials.

₱290.00 | ePrint: ₱250

Seeds: Bible Curriculum for Children (Book 3)

Book 3 of Seeds: Bible Curriculum for Children builds on previous teachings of Books 1 and 2, helping churches in areas with few resources to guide children's understanding of God's Word.

₱260.00 | ePrint ₱220.00

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